Holly Huey.

Applied Research Scientist. Evaluating GenAI image & video models by benchmarking human visual content creation.

Hi there! I'm a 5th-year PhD Candidate in Experimental Psychology at the University of California San Diego.
I'm advised by Dr. Judith Fan @ The Cognitive Tools Lab.

I study how people create, interpret, and interact with visual content. By conducting a wide range of custom coding online web experiments, I crowdsource large-scale datasets of up to >90K human responses in order to systematically measuring people's visual content creation. This scale of data enables me to statistically evaluate GenAI text-to-visual systems, heuristic models, and LLMs against human behavior and communication.

My PhD research specializes in understanding user intentions in visual content creation—specifically, how content creators' different goals to make diverse visual content directly impacts:

  • what their output content will look like
  • how viewers will interpret that output depending on their own interpretation goals
  • In my three internships with Adobe Research, I've been evaluating (1) GenAI image output against human expectations of model reasoning and (2) GenAI video creation and editing.

    My approach leverages both quantitative & qualitative methods to improve human-centered tools related to: text-to-visual systems, visual design, object identification, semantic segmentation, user intentions

    research domains


    My PhD research evaluates human visual content creation in the form of drawings, diagrams, and data visualizations to investigate how people interpret the objects and scenes in their environments.


    Text-to-image generation models provide new opportunities for people to quickly & flexibly create images. To systematically evaluate model errors, I developed a series of behavioral tasks to crowdsource human annotators and generate quality scores for image datasets.


    At Adobe Research, I've conducted qualitative interviews aimed at discovering user needs & goals and custom coded online experiments for quantitatively evaluating user behaviors related to video production and editing.
    I have also explored & published work in other domains: language, social pragmatics (theory of mind), navigation, causal perception, symbolic reasoning, and developmental psychology. See below publications or my Google Scholar for papers in these areas.

    Designed by Holly Huey. Photo credit: Petrina Chan (headshot) & Terra Huey (headshot art)